Saturday, May 9, 2020

How to perfect your Facebook profile for their new job function -

How to perfect your Facebook profile for their new job function Facebook is perhaps the last place online you would think of to look for a job. Whereas LinkedIn exists to serve the job seeker market, Facebook is a pure-bred social network somewhere to post your cat selfies and show off your new treads.Until now, that is. In February of this year, Facebook launched a new job search tool in a bid to connect its 1.9 billion users with the 70 million businesses currently using the network. After spotting an opportunity you like, jobs can be applied for in a few clicks and your information will be automatically filled into the application.You can’t include your CV, but a 1000-character text box gives you room to leave a cover note. After you’ve applied, a conversation with the prospective employer starts in the Messenger app.This new functionality is currently being tested in the USA and Canada, meaning that those of us based in the UK have time to get our profile looking ship shape before it rolls out to more markets. Equally, it’s worth reme mbering that even now prospective employers may be able to view your profile, so doing a little housekeeping is worthwhile.Before you get started, it’s worth getting your LinkedIn profile up to scratch. Firstly, this is still the most important network for professional development and, secondly, you can kill two birds with one stone by creating the content you need for both profiles. Check out our top five tips for making LinkedIn work better for you here.Here are our top tips for polishing up your profile before Facebook Jobs arrives in the UK.Profile Picture.Your photo will be the first thing a prospective employer sees when they land on your job application. It doesn’t need to be as business smart as your LinkedIn picture Facebook is a social network, after all but make sure you don’t appear drunk or display political or offensive words or images. Want to Read More Articles Like This One?Sign up here to receive weekly updates from Career Enlightenment, and never miss anot her powerful job searching tip! SUBSCRIBE! You have Successfully Subscribed!We hate spam too. Unsubscribe any time. Also, make sure the picture shows your face people are far more likely to connect with your words if they can visualize who you are.Work, Education and About You.Make sure your work and education sections are up to date and include the necessary details. You also have the option to add your professional skills and there’s a section where you can talk about who you are, in your own words, in the ‘Details About You’ area.If you have a LinkedIn profile, you can simply copy and paste the text from here, using the wording from your Experience, Featured Skills and Profile Summary areas.Contact Details.Once you’ve applied for a job through Facebook the employer should be able to contact you through Messenger, but it’s worth adding some additional contact details in all the same your email, definitely, and your phone number if you feel comfortable in doing so.W ebsites and Social Links.If you have a personal website, an online portfolio or a LinkedIn profile, add a link to these pages so that prospective employers can find out more about you.Privacy Settings.If you haven’t checked your privacy settings for a while, it’s worth doing Facebook often changes their rules and it can be easy to miss. Look at ‘Who can see my stuff’, ‘Who can contact me’ and ‘Who can look me up’ and make sure they are set up correctly for your needs.Once you’ve completed these steps, your profile will be all set for when the Facebook job search feature lands in the UK.

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