Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Dream Jobs How to Land One

Dream Jobs How to Land One What do you really love doing? Here’s how to figure out and land your dream job. Talk to your network. Ask your friends. They know you well; ask what skills they see you with. You’ll likely hear things you take for granted about yourself. Don’t do anything rash. Go slowly. Do your homework. Research. Find out what’s out there right now you could be good at. Then, find out if you need some kind of professional licensing. If you do, go get it. Try it out. Go and do the job pro-bono and find out how you like it. Get a sense of how well you fit in. In order to make a huge industry switch, it’s good to allow three to five years to lay the groundwork and ensure you’re ready to launch. Read next: How to Ace Any Interview and Land the Job of Your Dreams

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