Monday, March 16, 2020

5 of the Best Cities to Find a Job in Right Now

5 of the Best Cities to Find a Job in Right NowAccording to experts, the economy that began to slide in 2007 hit a low in 2009 is rebounding. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported job openings nationwide now exceed the peak experienced before the recession. In fact, in June 2015, 5.2 million job opportunities were available. googletag.cmd.push(function() googletag.display(div-gpt-ad-1467144145037-0) ) While the the nation as a whole is on this upswing, some citiesare ahead of the pack. Thats useful newslearning where jobs are plentiful may be useful when looking for employment.Criteria Used to Determine RecoverySix years after the official end of the recession, economic indicators show that while the nation as a whole is recovering, some cities have not kept pace. Conversely, others are experiencing a robust economy with a healthy job market. Parameters includinga lower unemployment rate since 2009, along with increased wages and an overall growth in jobs, gives some cities a bett er economic standing than others.Cities With the Highest Job GrowthWhile the best cities to get a job are spread across the country, certain regions have shown growth as a whole. Four of the top cities are in Texas, three are in North Carolina and one each is in Florida, California, Utah, Iowa, Oklahoma, and Missouri. Looking at some of these cities over the period 2009 to 2012 provides a glimpse into their favorable economic picture.Texas CitiesUnemployment in Midland decreased by 35.71 percent since 2009, and average home values increased by 21.67 percent. Disposable income grew by 13.84 percent. Jobs hereare centered in the oil industry.Odessa showed a 43.4 percent decrease in unemployment along with a median home value increase of 5.87 percent, and median income here grew by 20.39 percent. Jobs in Odessa are found in mining, construction and retail services. San Angelo had a 35.48 drop in unemployment with a corresponding 11.45 percent rise in income. The medium home value here increased by 20.92 percent. Employment in San Angelo is linked to trade and transportation, health care, jobs in education, and business service jobs. Overall, the Air Force base and schools are the top employers.Fargo, North DakotaUnemployment in this northern tier state fell by 34.48 percent, and median income grew by 18.71 percent. zentralwert home values grew by 13.30 percent from 2009 to 2012. Top industries here include health care, education, transportation, manufacturing, and food processing. Two large employers include the state university and health care jobs with Sanford Health.Chattanooga, TennesseeThe city of Chattanooga has seen a 29.89 percent decrease in unemployment since 2009. Household income has jumped by 13.54 percent while the cost of housing has jumped by 14.04 percent. Retail sales have grown during the years 2009 to 2012.While recovery is happening in cities and towns across the country, a robust location may be a deciding factor if youre searching for a thr iving town in which to plant to your roots. Depending on your situation and ability to move, looking at job growth from this perspective mighthelp you narrow (or change) your desired industry and consider a life in a new town.Using TheJobNetwork to find your next job lets you put in criteria limiting or widening your search. Entering your qualifications, job sector and geographic location makes it possible to target the job you want in an area where jobs are plentiful. This job search platform does the rest and alerts you by email when jobs become available. Doing research into the top employers in an area and the job outlook may help you find what you need.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

A Coding Bootcamp For Every Type Of Learner

A Coding Bootcamp For Every Type Of Learner STEM Or is it STEAM? Whichever way you slice it, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics are hot topics of discussion, especially when talking about supporting women and girls in unterstellung fields as they learn and enter the workforce.Maybe youre a student looking for the next step toward your tech industry career. Perhaps youre a seasoned professional looking to add or hone skills for your path at your current company, or maybe youre simply a lifelong learner whod like a little mora tech savvy without having to go back to school for a traditional four-year degree. No matter whats drawing you to it, the following coding bootcamps are great vorkaufsrechts for all types of web developer learners, near and far.1. ThinkfulThinkfuls Web Development Bootcampcan be done full-time or on a mora flexible schedule. Financial aid scholarships are available for veterans and women for both options in varying amounts depending on the format ch osen. As someone who has taken a Thinkful course previously, the format is easy to follow and engaging. Students are paired with mentors, generally located nearby when the student is near a major city, and oftentimes they have meetups for networking (and as a way to get out from behind the screen all Thinkful assignments are handled through its online interface and video chats). Thinkful also offers a pretty strong incentive for their higher education program They guarantee the bootcamp will help you become a hired web developer online, and they also claim to offer mora accountability and support than any other bootcamp in terms of hands-on training.Learn mora about the two ways of takingThinkfuls Web Development Bootcamphere.2. General AssemblyGeneral Assembly offers a number of courses surrounding coding, includingFront-End Development,Full-Stack Web Development, andiOS Android Development. Based in fruchtwein major cities (Boston, London, Los Angeles, New York City, San Francisc o, Sydney, Washington D.C., etc.), prospective students can choose to take classes in person or online. Classes are offered in 10 or 13 week learning experience(s) and vary in cost. Having also taken a course at General Assemblys New York City campus, I can also attest to the quality of learning there, as well however, the class was elend in Web Development, so I cant speak to these specific, extended courses. I have worked with many industry professionals who have also taken a number of courses there, though, and I have not heard any complaints.Learn more about the course offerings atGeneral Assemblyhere.3. Fullstack AcademyBased in New York City and Chicago, with an online version for those who dont live near these metropolitan areas, Fullstacks coding bootcamp is extremely thorough. Addressing both front-end developmentandback-end development, they incorporate real life events (in person meetups, open source projects, etc.) and an extremely thorough curriculum in their course off ering. While they dont offer the same guarantee that Thinkful does, they do have an impressive job sitzordnung rate for grads of 97%, and they also go beyond coding to address other topics in their curriculum, like leadership and community.Learn more aboutFullstack Academyhere.4. Coding DojoDespite the seemingly playful name, Coding Dojo is quite a bit like enrolling in a college course. With an emphasis on community and a gratis meal plan, Code Dojo students are connected with each other to locate housing so they can attend the school in person. Their emphasis is on learning a multitude of coding languages, including Ruby on Rails and Javascript, encourages agility and self-driven learning, much like the ever-changing tech landscape. With campuses in Dallas, L.A., NYC, Seattle, and San Francisco, there are more than a few locations to choose from. To close out the course, Code Dojo students use the hands-on experience theyve acquired to demo their work to companies and partners in the hopes of getting landing full-time employment.Learn more about entering theDojohere.5. Flatiron SchoolBased solely in New York, the Flatiron School focuses on both iOS and Web Development. Their programs are full-time and require a substantial amount of work even before attendance begins. Touting highly trained instructors, Flatirons higher education seems more like Masters program with either a Capstone or specialization chosen depending on the chosen course track. Offering 500k in scholarships for women, Flatiron claims that students attend their school to change their lives and indicate a 98.5% full-time employment hiring rate for graduates of the program.If attending theFlatiron Schoolin NYC appeals to you, head to their sitehere.6. Dev MountainWith perhaps the greatest flexibility out of all of the courses described here,Dev Mountainsprogram is entwurfed to fit your current work/life schedule. Many courses offer online options, but generally bootcamps are more rigorous, so the fact that Dev Mountain has after-hours classes and mentors who are generally available any time is a big plus for those who cant learn code full time. Focusing on both Web and iOS, Dev Mountain also boasts affordability for their 12 week program.For more information on a flexible bootcamp option withDev Mountain,clickhere.7. MetisFor a more traditional programming bootcamp experience, Metis offers the skills needed, in an immersive environment, to facilitate a career in data science. While this isnt a traditional method for learning to code, understanding what can ultimately come from code can provide better insight into the big picture, and in an industry where many people are learning to code, this type of course could help a candidate stand out from the crowd. Analytics and big data are hot topics for many aspects of eCommerce and Digital Marketing. Metis also offers scholarships for minorities, veterans, and women, and is based in New York and San Francisco.Learn how to get the big picture fromMetishere.8. Dev BootcampPerfect for those who are looking for intensive, yet remote experience,Dev Bootcamphas both collaborative work with other students and one-on-one work with a mentor. While they dont guarantee a job placement, nor do they report graduation rates, theydohave a comprehensive course that involves a prep period, followed by nine weeks of tutorials and hands-on training. Dev Bootcamp is based in Austin, Chicago, New York, San Diego, San Francisco and Seattle. They work with students on a number of programming languages, including Ruby on Rails, Javascript, SQL and Git.Find more information onDev Bootcamphere.9. Hack ReactorHack Reactorcovers the major programming languages, like HTML, CSS and JavaScript, across all possible methods of learning, including mixers and networking events. Hack Reactor provides multiple opportunities for students to mingle with, and pitch, those in the industry. The 12-week program is not inexpensive, however they do boast a 96% rate of employment after completing their code boot camp. Likely curtailed to those who already have some knowledge of code but without the experience working in web development, they are based in Austin, Los Angeles, and San Francisco.Find more information on howHack Reactorcan help jumpstart your careerhere.10. Hackbright AcademyHackbrighthas a narrow focus only Python, only women. With the very specific goal of increasing the amount of female developers and software engineers in the industry, their program, based in San Francisco, focuses on community and connection. At the end of the course, students are given the opportunity to interview with tech companies. Completion of a coding challenge is required in buchen to apply, but students receive two mentors during their time atHackbright.Learn more about the engineering school for womenhere.11. Digital CraftsOne of the longer bootcamps offered,Digital Crafts16-week bootcamp is based in Atlanta and Houston. Their Full Stack program takes a community based approach that facilitates an incubator style approach to programming and ideas. Covering a wide range of languages including Bootstrap, Angular JS, Python and CSS3, teachers are experienced developers. This full time program has a traditional daily schedule with options for extended days for electives. With a coding challenge included in their application process, Digital Crafts is an intense, immersive program perfect for the serious student. They also offer a part time program.For those with a strong desire to learn in an immersive environment, learn more aboutDigital Craftshere.12. Coder CampsCoder Camps accelerated program doesnt end with completion of their 12-week course. Graduates are encouraged to return as often as needed, free of charge, to refresh their knowledge, learn new technologies and find new opportunities, according to theirsite. They also offer the opportunity to learn how to work within an Agile methodology by learning from industry experts in an immersive environment based in Seattle and Phoenix. Offering financial aid scholarships for women and veterans, they offer a bootcamp in Full Stack Web Development as well as Coding from Scratch.Learn more about the programs atCoder Campsthat keep on givinghere.13. The Tech AcademyBased in Portland, Oregon, The Tech Academy offers students the opportunity to move at their own pace through either 15 or 20 weeks of study. Their Software Development bootcamp is available in person or online, and they assert that all graduates achieve employment, generally starting at 60k per year. Languages covered in the bootcamp include Git, HTML, .NET, PHP and more. They also cover SQL and focus on Data Structures, Algorithms, Design Principles and Mobile.Learn more about learning atThe Tech Academyhere.INTERNATIONAL OPTIONS14. Startup InstituteStartup Institutecurrently offers a full-time program, with a part-time program coming soon. With a wide breadth of course offerings, students can pick a more traditional Web Development technical track, or study Web Development, Digital Marketing or Sales Account Management. The languages covered in their introductory courses include Ruby and JavaScript, and for part-time they will be held one evening a week to accommodate those with day jobs. Startup Institute is based in the UK.Find more information on how to startup your coding career with theStartup Institutehere.15. CodecoreCodecorehas an interesting approach to bootcamps. Providing 4 bootcamps each year, topics range from Python and PHP, to Java and .Net. Focusing on languages, topics can shift depending on how the industry evolves. Hiring day is the peak of the program, and with more than 15 hiring partners, theres plenty of exposure. Based solely in Vancouver,Codecorelasts 12 weeks and is one of the few bootcamps offered for under 10K.Find more information on this Canadian bootcamphere.16. IronhackIronhack is keen on hands-on experience, encouraging stud ents to design and code during their time there. While they are primarily international, located in Madrid and Barcelona, they also have a location in Miami. Boasting more than 500 graduates, networking is a key point for Ironhack, and their immersive courses are intended to prep students for their real-life tech industry career through workshops, mixers, and projects. Offering full time and part time web development/programming bootcamps, they also offer a course in UX/UI Design. Focused on a wide range of languages, students will study AngularJS, CSS, Node.js, JQuery, and more.Learn more about Spains premiere coding courseshere.--Katie Klein is a blogger, former magazine editor, and ecommerce director. Shes passionate about supporting working moms (because she is one) and navigating unusual career trajectories (because shes had one). She also loves funky shoes, flea market finds, and female empowerment. You can find her on her blog, mission is to help women create the best careers for their lives.Join us to see what people are saying about your company, and pay it forward by sharing your own anonymous tip

Friday, March 6, 2020

The Importance of Sample Resume Objectives

The Importance of Sample Resume Objectives A great objective ansicht can highly boost your odds of finding the job. So resume objectives will differ depending on the sector in which you are searching for employment. My purpose is to find the job. Entry-level objectives can be particularly hard to write since you likely dont have loads of work experience, but you do want to solidify that you know the kind of career youre searching for. The Number One Question You Must Ask for Sample Resume Objectives An individual can come across several sample resume objectives online in order to obtain an idea on how best to begin writing one. Unlike profiles, there isnt any need to find fancy once you are writing an objective. You need to decide on the sample resume objective which is fit for the form of job youre applying for. Resume objective samples are easily obtainable. Sample Resume Objectives - What Is It? Although resume objective statements can be quite helpful in drawing the e mployers attention to what you need to offer, there are a number of situations where they may not qualify as the very best way to advertise yourself. In the end, when you have decided to incorporate a resume objective statement, look at developing more than 1 version, tailored to the different varieties of roles or organisations youre targeting. Your objective statement needs to be clear and concise. An effective statement for objective gives the employer an idea about what things the applicant is conscious of with respect to the work opening he or she has applied for. The Sample Resume Objectives Game You may also have RELEVANT coursework, dependent on the role to which youre applying. Since prospective employers will likely call and speak to your references, choose only outstanding and respectable individuals. The sample resume objective you should use is dependent on the location where youre applying for the job together with the post youre applying for. A short, well-wri tten objective should tell the employer what youre seeking to gain from the particular position youre applying for. Sample resume objectives should be utilized as references, dependent on which you can make your own resumes. TheResume Objective Examples are used by people who are interested in finding jobs. Objectives are optional, but if used in the correct way, will tell the employer that you recognize precisely what you desire. They should be job-specific. The Sample Resume Objectives Game You need to have five objective statements. Its optional to state the objective for a resume, it ought to be stated if one is quite clear in regards to the goals of that work position. Hence, its crucial to thoroughly write your resume objective. The objective should not exceed more than a couple of lines.